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Reading Timeline
A Book order of the Johannes Cabal Series The reading order for the NecRomancer’s Deathcast Want to follow along? Here is a list of the order the podcast will take in the series. Caution, there are some minor spoilers in some of the book descriptions.
Johannes Cabal Links and Resources
Links and Resources for Johannes Cabal and Jonathan L. Howard Here is an ever-growing list of sites for the we use as reference… or are just great sites in general! Jonathan L. Howard Jonathan L. Howard’s very own website is the first and foremost source…
Coming Soon!
Announcing our new Podcast series The NecRomancers Deathcast – A Johannes Cabal Podcast
A Little About the Podcast
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Reading Timeline
A Book order of the Johannes Cabal Series The reading order for the NecRomancer’s Deathcast Want to follow along? Here is a list of the order the podcast will take in the series. Caution, there are some minor spoilers in some of the book descriptions.